Second Life Residents can acquire a Linden Home when you sign up for a Plus, Premium or Premium Plus account, or if you already have a Plus, Premium or Premium Plus account and have not claimed your Linden Home yet. Linden Homes have no upfront cost, but they do utilize the included land allowance (also called 'land tier') that comes with your subscription membership.
Linden Homes are not available for Basic membership holders, and Plus members are limited to themes with 512m parcel sizes available, such as Sakura, Newbrooke and Camper. | |
Each Resident may only own one Linden Home at a time. |
In order to obtain a Linden Home you must have the following:
- A Plus, Premium or Premium Plus membership;
- The appropriate amount of mainland tier available.
- 512 sqm to obtain an original Linden Home or a smaller size Bellisaria home in select themes
- 1024 sqm to obtain a newer Linden Home on the Bellisaria continent (most themes)
- 2048 sqm to obtain exclusive Premium Plus themes such as Ranch, Mediterranean, or Thousand Island.
For example, if you have a new Premium account — you've just joined Second Life as a Premium account or upgraded from a basic account — and haven't changed your land usage, then you have exactly 1024m2 or of available tier.
You don't have to use your subscription membership's allotted land tier for a Linden Home. You can use it instead towards other mainland purchases or you can contribute it to group tier allocations. Also, if you abandon your Linden Home, you can use your Premium land usage allowance to buy other mainland parcels. |
How do I check if I have enough tier available?
If you don't have any land already in Second Life, then you have will enough land allowance - Plus memberships come with 512m2 of land allowance available, Premium memberships comes with 1024m2 of land allowance, and Premium Plus memberships come with 2048m2 of land allowance.
Otherwise, there are two ways to check if you have enough available tier:
- In world: From the Viewer menus, choose World > My land holdings. Your available land tier is listed next to Available for land purchases.
- On the dashboard: If you already own land, then you can also check if you have enough land tier on the Second Life website:
- Log in to your account.
- On the left side of the page, click Account > Account Summary.
- Find the section called Land Holdings and check the value next to Available for purchase.
How do I increase my tier?
If you'd like to increase your land allowance for any reason, you can do so from the Second Life dashboard! Please keep in mind that owning more land than your premium membership's allotment (mainland or Linden Home) will result in a monthly tier payment. You can find more information on land use fees in our Knowledge Base article!
- Log into
- In the menu to the left, click Land Manager > Land Use Fees.
- Under the Update Tier section, select the tier you would like, and click Save Changes.
The tiers in the Update Tier section are in addition to the 1024 sqm or 2048 sqm granted with your membership type. Updating your tier will not result in additional land use fees until you actually acquire more land to fill that lease. |
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