Premium Plus FAQ


Residents may upgrade their membership to Premium Plus at any time from their dashboard at! For more information on the perks that come with Premium Plus, please see our Knowledge Base article!

If I have been Premium in the past, and sign up for Premium Plus, do I still get a sign up bonus?

Yes, you do! When you upgrade to Premium Plus for the first time you will receive a sign up bonus of L$3000. This will be deposited after 45 consecutive days with a Premium Plus membership. 

The Premium Plus sign up bonus, like the original Premium Membership sign up bonus, is for first time memberships only. 

If you do not see your sign up bonus deposit into your account, or if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Support via Live Chat or a support ticket!

I am currently in the middle of my Premium Membership, but I'd like to upgrade to Premium Plus now. Can you prorate the cost based on my current membership?

Yes, we can! If you hold a Premium Membership and wish to upgrade to Premium Plus before your current Premium Membership completes we will prorate such that you only pay the difference between the value of the days you have left on your membership, and the cost for a Premium Plus membership. For upgrades to Monthly Premium Plus memberships, the value of the time you have left on your current membership is credited towards the total cost of a new monthly membership. For upgrades to Annual Premium Plus memberships, the value of the time you have left on your current membership is credited towards the value of Annual Premium Plus for the same amount of time, and you pay the difference at the time of upgrade. The new total cost will be listed, after you've chosen your new plan, next to Today's Charges on the Review Changes to your plan page.

If the credit to be applied towards proration is larger than the value of the Premium Plus membership you are upgrading to, we will extend the renewal date on your Premium Plus membership to account for the additional value, and you will pay a prorated price for the number of days left to set your renewal date to the next 30 day increment.

If you have any questions regarding what you would be credited towards an upgrade, please don't hesitate to contact Support!

Are there Premium Plus Linden Homes, or Linden Home lot sizes that are 2048 square meters?

Yes! The Ranch theme Linden Homes sit on 2048m2 parcels designed for Premium Plus members. 

Do I get more prims on my Linden Home's lot with Premium Plus?

No, not at this time.

Can I have a second Linden Home with Premium Plus?

No, not at this time.

I heard that Premium Plus members can request specific Linden Homes for themselves. Is this true?

Yes it is! Premium Plus members (only) may request a specific Linden Home that meets the following criteria:

  • Currently unoccupied (in World > About Land > General, the Owner will show Governor Linden).

  • The region has been released (Regions whose names begin with "SSP" are still unreleased).
  • Parcels on the Demo regions (BelliDemo and BelliHub) are not available to request. 
  • You do not own another Linden Home (Premium Plus members can still only own one Linden Home at a time).

How do I request a specific Linden Home?

Premium Plus members can request a Linden Home by submitting a support ticket (click Submit A Ticket on the top right of this page or go to and choose the Issue Type of Land & Region with the subtype of Linden Homes. Please be sure to include the SLurl for the Linden Home you would like to claim in your support ticket.

Can I reserve a Linden Home on an unreleased "SSP" region?

No, the homes on these regions cannot be reserved, and can't be chosen through either the automated system or by support ticket until the region has been released (renamed to something other than SSP______).

Can I request a specific Linden Home though Live Chat or Phone Support?

Unfortunately no, specific Linden Homes may only be requested through a Support Ticket, because they are not assigned by the Support team.

I'd like to change my name with the Premium Plus price. How can I do that?

You can now change your username for the Premium Plus price on the dashboard at! To find it, click Account on the far left, and choose Change Name from the list that drops down.

Please note that we cannot deviate from the current list of last names available.

My account receives grandfathered stipend with my regular Premium Membership. Will I get a larger stipend with Premium Plus?

No. The Premium Plus stipend is L$650 across the board. However, if you upgrade to a Premium Plus membership, should you choose to go back to a regular Premium Membership at any time, you will receive your Premium Membership stipend at the grandfathered rate again.

Will the Premium Plus support phone line be limited to billing only?

No! The Premium Plus support phone line will be able to assist in a much broader range of topics!

There is a Quarterly Premium Membership plan, but I don't see one for Premium Plus. Is there a Quarterly Premium Plus membership level?

No, there is no Quarterly Premium Plus membership plan at this time.

Can I transfer my Premium Plus membership between accounts?

No, not at this time.

I'd like to own a Homestead private region as a Premium Plus member without also owning a full private region. How do I get started?

Premium Plus members are now eligible to purchase up to one Homestead on their account, without the requirement of a full private island region.  

Premium Plus members who wish to take advantage of this new benefit will need to maintain their Premium Plus account status, in good standing, for the duration of ownership of the Homestead region on their account. In the case of a downgrade to a lower subscription level, it will be necessary to cancel or transfer the Homestead to another Resident eligible for owning Homestead regions.

To place an order for your new Homestead, please go to and submit a Support Ticket under the following category:

  • Land & Region > Order Private Region

Fill out that form including the unique name you prefer and location on the grid for placement.  A support agent will be in contact with you soon to discuss your request.  Region names must adhere to our naming guidelines.  For more information about Private Regions, please review the Private Regions knowledge base article and Private Region Pricing.

There is no change to Homestead ownership for all other accounts: everyone is still able to own Homestead regions as long as there is at least one Full private region owned on that account as well. 

As a reminder, Homesteads cost US$149 for the first month with setup and US$109 per month thereafter, plus applicable VAT and taxes.

Comparison of Benefits

PremiumPremium Plus
Complimentary Mainland Tier
Can be used for a Linden Home, Mainland parcel, or mixture
512 sqm
1024 sqm2048 sqm
Ability to own a Linden Home
512 sqm or 1024 sqm sizes

Sign Up Bonus
First time subscribers; deposited after 45 consecutive days
Weekly Stipend
Deposited weekly on Tuesdays
Chat Support
7 days a week, 6 AM PST - 2 PM PST

Concierge Phone Support
7 days a week, 6 AM PST - 2 PM PST

Name Changes$49.99
Land ExperiencesX
Access to Premium only areas, sandboxes, and experiences

Premium Virtual Gifts 


Priority entry to busy regions


Group Membership Limits425070140

Caps On Missed IMs

Cost to create eventsL$50L$50L$10
Cost to create groups (each)L$100

Cost to upload textures (each)


Cost to upload animations (each)


Cost to upload sounds (30s clips, each)


Animesh Attachment Limits


Voice Morphing

Monthly Subscription


Linden$ Transaction History

30 days
30 days
90 days90 days

           *Repeated events posting for Premium Plus members do not incur repeated fees.

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